Officials must be punished for transgressions, or in this case oil exploitation on an island that Argentina would like to control. In 1982, an Argentine invasion of the British controlled islands led to the Falklands War. With a greater loss of life to Argentina, the islands have remained in British sovereignty since. Argentina is as adamant about their claim to the islands as Russia was to the Ukraine, and President Putin supports similar action from their ally in regards to the “Malvinas.”
With concerns of dry wells, and estimated billions to be made on oil in the Falklands, there’s no denying tempers will flare over who owns the rights. The British have increased their military presence in the Falklands with concerns of another Argentine invasion. Argentina criticized Britain for their increased military presence, while claiming in March that Argentina had no plans to lease long-range military aircraft from Russia. (Byrne, 2015) The deals signed between Russia and Argentina last week revolves mostly around energy at this time.
Argentina and the United Kingdom have been at odds for decades over the Falklands. In order to avoid future rounds escalating to war there are some acts of common courtesy the players may observe. Be sure all players involved in the match understand the stakes. Know the local rules, or decide which sovereign nation is considered the local and follow their rules. Avoid stepping on other player’s imaginary lines. When the situation escalates, Argentina also has China’s support, a nation who has a different “war on golf” at home. Will have to see how that one plays out before China joins this course.
Works Cited
Argentina launches lawsuit against Falkland oil drillers. (2015, 04 17). Retrieved 04 29, 2015, from BBC:
Byrne, P. P. (2015, 03 25). Argentina criticizes Britain for military boost in Falklands. Retrieved 04 30, 2015, from The Washington Post: