The “Squealer” uses propaganda to move forward with his own agenda, while various nations offer him asylum for their own reasons. In July, Bolivia offered asylum to Edward Snowden after President Evo Morales plane had been rerouted due to suspicion that Snowden was aboard. The offer was said to be a protest against those he blamed for what happened. President Ortega of Nicaragua is all for helping the person who felt remorse for the United States’ use of technology to spy on the entire world. (Wilson, 2013) Snowden’s most recent plea was written as an open letter to Brazil, who is currently not interested. There are risks to be considered, such as the effect on trade.
Large tech companies met with President Obama on Tuesday, where discussion revolved mainly around concerns on the NSA. They feel that their losing their share of the market to international counterparts that don’t invade the buyers privacy. Each of these tech giants have likely been sued at one time or another for invading user’s privacy. It was so much more innocent when technology companies were data mining for profits, as opposed to NSA data mining for security. Large corporations like Google and Apple probably just couldn’t see strait with all the trade.
On Monday, a federal judge ruled against the NSA and their collection of phone data. NSA had tried to justify their cause with a 1979 case in which a woman who was robbed began receiving harassing phone calls from one claiming to be her robber. Since phone surveillance was not considered to be unconstitutional in that case, why should it be considered unconstitutional to collect and save phone data of all citizens today? The judge doesn’t see where it’s applicable as no terrorist’s attacks have proven to be prevented by this metadata collection. (Roberts, 2013)
“All animals are equal” only applies until some pig edits the command to “but some animals are more equal than others.” (Orwell, 2003) The judge made clear in his decision against NSA, editing of the rules doesn’t make the action acceptable, it only makes it more “Orwellian.”
Works Cited
Orwell, G. (2003). Animal Farm - Chapter X. Retrieved 12 18, 2013, from The Complete Works of George-Orwell:
Roberts, S. A. (2013, 12 16). NSA phone surveillance program likely unconstitutional, federal judge rules. Retrieved 12 18, 2013, from theguardian:
Superville, D. (2013, 07 12). White House criticizes Russia for Snowden meeting. Retrieved 12 18, 2013, from Bloomberg:
Wilson, K. L. (2013, 07 06). Bolivia joins countries offering Snowden asylum. Retrieved 12 18, 2013, from USA Today: