On behalf of the liberal party, the British give us something to laugh at with Monty Python’s “Party Political Broadcast.” The episode begins with a house that is falling apart, while the panel of judges’ vote on whom they like best for the worst behavior. The honey salesman carries on about administrative errors, “all a mistake, it’s a real pain in the sphincter.” A media man makes “an appeal on behalf of extremely rich people who have absolutely nothing wrong with them.” The episode ends with the story being passed all about the news room, after covering the latest opinion polls. “Now back to me.” (MacNaughton, 1972)
“Welcome back.” Much like the album cover of Led Zeppelin II, our government mirrors the image of the “flying circus.” The house and the senate are at odds once again, this time over talks of the “fiscal cliff.” The panel will vote on what the best of the worst is. House speaker, John Boehner, is already going on about Obama’s plan being full of errors, and a real pain in the sphincter. The media won’t shut up about their appeal for the rich. According to Gallup Politics, one opinion poll suggests that, “more than six in 10 U.S. paying attention to fiscal cliff.”
The Red Baron is known for flying in the red, while shooting down one bird after another. He painted his plane red as a means of recognition, and every one began associating the red bird with him. He excelled in the art of gymnastics, and through observation he learned how to drop bombs. Since he could only shoot in the direction he was flying, he had to get behind his opponents. His victories were celebrated with a silver trophy, which would double in size each time a tenth victory rolled around. Around his 60th victory, his jeweler began running out of the precious metal, rather than accept a substitute, the red fighter ended his trophy collecting. After many victories his plane went down, but because of all the soldiers who took from the wreckage, it’s hard to determine exactly what happened. (Rosenberg)
He is a hero to some, but also recognized easily by those who oppose him for his association with the red. There must come a time where Mr. Obama fights for his citizens without requiring more red paint to accomplish the task. While Obama contributed to our national debt, so many seem to forget the Bush era where at all began. We were trillions in the red before Obama stepped into office. However, the amount of credit he has required each time the talks roll around appears to increase with so many victories. He shoots down one proposition after another, while the GOP party also takes aim at him. He declares higher taxes for the rich, top 1%. The republicans fight back by requesting the funding be cut on programs our taxes are specifically designated for, such as Medicare and social security.
Before long, we’ll learn the answer to whether or not our economy will go down in flames, or will Obama remain our “Red Battle Flying Ace.”
MacNaughton, I. (Director). (1972). Monty Python's Flying Circus S4E06: Party Political Broadcast [Motion Picture].
Rosenberg, J. (n.d.). The Red Baron. Retrieved 12 19, 2012, from about.com : http://history1900s.about.com/od/1910s/a/redbaron_5.htm