Going with “Right’s and Welfare” for 200. Countries with less money have animal protection laws for domestic pets. Dog fights are not illegal in China, yet ownership of a Pit bull, Dalmatian, or Collie can be. On Nov. 3, a demonstration took place where citizens made clear animal welfare laws are in order. The demonstration followed the discovery of multiple cat stabbings in the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing. In present, it is up to the citizens not the government to protect domestic animals from dinner tables. (TATLOW, 2013 ) What is - they’re on the menu.
Continuing with “Rights and Welfare” for 400. China works to ensure that the only voice heard in Tibet is that of the communist government. In Tibet, the Chinese government will increase monitoring of online content as well as confiscation of illegal satellite dishes to ensure the voice of this exiled spiritual leader falls on deaf ears. This Nobel –Peace Prize winner, who has worked for decades to help Tibetans seek independence, is referred to by Chinese leaders as “a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” (Blanchard, 2013) What is - the Dalai Lama.
Staying with “Rights and Welfare” for 600. High tech video surveillance through the cities of China is being clouded with smog. Because of this issue, a more harmful measure of radar may be necessary for China to continue spying on its citizens. Since radiation can cause severe health issues, China must find a more permanent method to deal this pressing issue. (Hall, 2013) What is - Pollution.
Let’s do “Boosting Infrastructure” for 200. With an interest in increasing air travel, China has done away with the requirement of a minimum price for domestic fares. By following the course of other nations’ air pricing, China hopes to increase air travel and possibly add a budget air terminal to a second airport that is already being considered for Beijing. Previous requirements stated fares could not be set lower than 60% of the base. (Wang, 2013) What is – regulations that make sense.
As China dives further into boosting infrastructure, they will hopefully one day consider the rights and welfare of the living to be as important as economic growth.
Works Cited
Blanchard, B. (2013, 11 02). China says will stamp out Dalai Lama's voice in Tibet. Retrieved 11 06, 2013, from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/02/china-tibet-idUSL3N0IN01Q20131102
Hall, J. (2013, 11 06). China's CCTV culture suffers as record high pollution and smog levels render country's 20 million surveillance cameras effectively useless . Retrieved 11 06, 2013, from The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/chinas-cctv-culture-suffers-as-record-high-pollution-and-smog-levels-render-countrys-20-million-surveillance-cameras-effectively-useless-8924572.html
Qing, X. S., & Yao, A. r. (2013, 11 05). China premier warns against loose money policies. Retrieved 11 06, 2013, from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/05/us-china-economy-idUSBRE9A403L20131105
TATLOW, D. K. (2013 , 11 06). Animal Protection Remains Elusive in China. Retrieved 11 06, 2013, from New York Times: http://sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/06/amid-reports-of-dog-fighting-animal-protection-remains-elusive-in-china/?ref=world&_r=0
Wang, J. (2013, 11 05). China Scraps Floor Price for Air Fares to Boost Budget Travel. Retrieved 11 06, 2013, from Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-06/china-scraps-floor-price-for-air-fares-to-boost-budget-travel.html