Many citizens of Greece disagree with the idea of footing the bill of a crisis caused by the government. Peaceful protests have turned violent, as their government approves a strict plan in order to obtain their second bailout package. When your too big to fail, the best way to stay afloat tends to be on the back of someone smaller. The Greek Parliament will obtain their funding by wage and benefit deductions, and tax increases. Hard to imagine why the protesters are so bloody angry right now.
Since the US economy is doing so well, Obama has pledged our support in bailing out Greece. We spend our money wisely. Besides, here in the States, all we have to do is raise the debt ceiling, and everything will be all right. Who pays for our ever growing national debt? US Tax payers.
During tough economic times, it seems the only ones who do not understand the term, "cutbacks", are the hierarchy who set the guidelines. As the European Union calls for spending cuts, and tax hikes in Greece, Portugal, and Ireland, the Parliament pack up for their monthly move. The monthly travel between Brussels and Strasberg is estimated to cost our European counterparts around 200 million Euro's each year. Who funds the move? European Tax payers.
Government representatives are consistent in their waste. That is something that we can count on as citizens. It does not matter if we are located in the US, Europe, or anywhere else in the world. A vote for change leads some officials to believe we want them to dig deep into our pockets, and sofa cushions to find it.