All these folks on vacation may be searching for places to spend time that cost little or nothing to visit. National monuments are free to the public, but closed at the same time so many were granted vacation. If you’ve always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon, now is not the time. The best way to enjoy these national treasures right now is through photos. A trip down memory lane costs nothing. “Awe, this is one of my favorites.”
To end this fiasco, all Obama has to do is have a talk with the patriots. Paul Ryan, one of the better known patriots, has written an article for the Wall Street Journal to let America know that the republicans are ready to negotiate. (Ryan, 2013) Too bad Paul Ryan is not the speaker, if he was and they were truly ready to negotiate, they would take a vote to reopen the government. Then the president would come to the table. Obama has refused to negotiate with terrorists, but is more than happy to negotiate when the government is reopened.
The blame for this shutdown can’t be pinned on either party entirely. Both parties want to close any loopholes that could allow the other party success in their negotiations. With America’s health on the line, we’re forced to watch and see who the better poker player is. The best player may not have the best hand, they may just be better at deception than their opponent.
On July 17, a private meeting took place between John Boehner and Harry Reid, in which Reid claims he accepted from Boehner a spending deal that was $70 billion under what the liberal party wanted. He accepted the deal, because Boehner agreed there wouldn’t be any language attempting to defund the Affordable Care Act in future bills. (LoGiurato, 2013)
Maybe Boehner holds the credibility of a used car salesman or maybe he’s a terrorist. Either way, according to Reid, the House Speaker is full of surprises. If only the floor would open up beneath them and swallow them all.
The news media doesn’t help the situation when they spread unnecessary hate with false information. Brought to us by the station whose slogan is “fair and balanced”, host Anna Kooiman claims, “President Obama has offered to pay out of his own pocket for the Museum of Muslim Culture. She insinuates, “Why isn’t the place closed down?” (FOX News, 2013) It was ~ that was a fake story that was offered up as news. The Republican Party offered to fund the WWII memorial being reopened. A better way to show their appreciation for our nation’s great veterans would be to open up the government so that our veterans receive their benefits.
Skimming the headlines during the first week of the shutdown, one could see that Mr. Boehner will not allow the U.S. to default on its debt. He may be found running down views and persons of the Democratic Party, but even Obama makes the point that the House Speaker will not let us down. How will he avoid allowing the default when he’s holding the debt ceiling increase as a hostage in return for concessions on a healthcare that has already been given its legal footing by the Supreme Court?
When it’s legal and official, what can be done to stop it? "Really, Mr. President, It's time to have that conversation before our economy is put further at risk," Boehner said on the House floor. (Speaker Boehner: President’s Refusal to Negotiate Puts Our Economy at Risk , 2013) Oh ~ didn’t see that move coming. Defund Obamacare, or we’ll send the United States into a tailspin causing it to default for the first time in history.
Our Commander in Chief is still unwilling to negotiate. It seems a bit like he’s waiting the GOP out, expecting them to fold. He appears to be playing the hand of, “We got all the time in the world.” Hope he keeps in mind those GOP members who believe that a default is no big deal; it’s just yet to be attempted. “Let’s not pay our bills and see what happens.” Perhaps they should direct their attention to the mortgage crisis that played such a huge part in this economic mess. China will attempt to foreclose, perhaps with ally Russia who’s investing more in their military as we defund more of ours. Please stay tuned to real news for further information on the destruction of America.
Works Cited
(2013, 10 05). Retrieved 09 13, 10, from FOX News:
Speaker Boehner: President’s Refusal to Negotiate Puts Our Economy at Risk . (2013, 10 07). Retrieved 10 09, 2013, from
LoGiurato, B. (2013, 10 07). Harry Reid Is Starting The Week By Going Scorched-Earth On Boehner — Who Fires Back. Retrieved 09 13, 10, from Business Insider:
Ryan, P. (2013, 10 08). Retrieved 10 09, 2013, from Wall Street Journal: