This was not an overnight decision, but a long drawn out ordeal that could include Cyclops along the way. It is a mystery that longs to be solved, as it is the greatest loss of life on a Navy ship without combat. The US navy collier was said to be lost in the Bermuda triangle and disappeared near Cuban waters in 1918.
In this Obama adventure, it may not be so much about the Lotus he ate, but rather the cigar that he smoked that caused him to lose sight of the way. Part of what made Cuban cigars so attractive was the idea that they were illegal. With eased restrictions on imports and trade, the cigar no longer needs to be smuggled into the US. At a recent White House Hanukkah party, a guest surprised Obama with the gift of a Cuban Cigar. The president gave it a sniff and replied, “pretty good.” (Dukakis, 1214)
One sacrifice both countries have made in pursuit of relations is the release of some political prisoners. Activists are in an uproar, since there is no information being made public about whom the 53 political prisoners are or when they will be released. According to activists, there are a much higher number of political prisoners behind bars in Cuba. This sacrifice has led to the rebellion of Cuban dissidents, but Obama is still awake and negotiating. On the US side, the last of the Cuban five has been released in the prisoner swap.
This plot may not be about a love affair with a witch-goddess, but there does appear to be a love affair with a country that has been off-limits for years. Not all support Obama’s decision to lift the embargo against Cuba, since it was not to be lifted until there was a democracy and a change in power not involving the Castro family. The Pope appears to have given his blessing to the two though, as he was the only other foreign leader included in negotiations. (Dorell, 2014)
Works Cited
Dorell, G. K. (2014, 12 18). Pope Francis played key role in U.S.-Cuba deal. Retrieved 12 31, 2014, from USA Today:
Dukakis, A. (1214, 12 18). Obama Surprised With 'Cuban' Cigar On Historic Day for U.S.-Cuba Relations. Retrieved 12 31, 1214, from ABC News:
Homer. (2014). THE ODYSSEY. Retrieved 12 31, 2014, from Sparknotes: