Both Obamacare and Romneycare require all people to have health insurance. Both healthcare plans are said to share similarities in the area that they penalize folks who do without, as well as businesses that do not offer a plan to their employees. They may differ in the amount of the penalty, or the amount of employees a small business has that makes it required to offer an insurance plan. Overall, they are both socializations of government healthcare.
For those who would like more information on Romneycare. published, " 'RomneyCare' Facts and Falsehoods" in March, 2011, as a response to what's legit and what's not. It can be tough to determine the facts, when the author's answers to the allegations' are "depends who you ask." The author suggests survey results vary as much as the definition of uninsured, bringing much opinion to the fact table. One must be semi amused by the fact they can Google Lori Robertson on Mitt Romney, and the search results return a facebook page of a woman with similar features to the Lori Robertson of displaying support for Mitt Romney. Must be a cawinkidink, because is all about the presenting the facts from a nonpartisan view. My search results have not yet been checked with to see if the two are one in the same.
"This is a time of choice for the American people. Our mission is clear. If we want to get rid of Obamacare, we're gonna have to replace president Obama. My mission is to make sure we do exactly that." Mitt Romney's immediate response to the Supreme Court's decision to uphold Obamacare insures us, if elected president our federal health care will be renamed Romneycare.
The Genie of Aladdin says it best, "Oh, no. The crowd is parting. Who's coming? It's Moses!" Romney has offered to lead the American people away from Obamacare to the Promised Land. In his land, people who are happy with their insurance will not be forced to give up their current insurance. Since Obamacare allows us to keep our current insurance, we must ask "Which healthcare plan will better cover the ten plagues that are sure to arise upon Moses' fight for his people?"