These pot dispensaries are allowed to sell an ounce to Colorado residents 21 and over, and a quarter ounce to out of state buyers that are of legal age. The price of marijuana will be regulated, but buyers can expect an average price of $196.00 an ounce for mid-grade quality. (Vekshin, 2013)
The three little letters, THC, have been stirring up controversy for sometime. Those in favor of the green plant tend to remind us of its many benefits. There’s the argument that legalization of it suggests it is not a harmful substance. When you have to be of age for it to be legal, this just means that you’re making the decision to accept the effects of it on your body, the same as you would alcohol on your liver.
Cannabis would have never become available for retail, had it not first been legalized for medical purposes. California was the first to legalize marijuana for medical use back in 1996. Since then, 19 other states have voted for medical marijuana. Different laws apply to those who sell or use medical marijuana, and these will remain separate from the laws applied to recreational marijuana. Colorado and Washington were the first to legalize recreational use of the plant. Other states may change their tune depending on what develops from the experimental stages of these two states.
Nancy Reagan’s “Just say no” campaign is decades behind us. With a democrat in office, realization sunk in that legal sales of the drug can be taxed. While it’s been legal for recreational use in Colorado since 2012, today is the first day the government is allowed to reap what it sows.
Recreational marijuana sales will be taxed at a much higher rate than medical marijuana. There is a 25% state tax, plus an additional 2.9% sales tax. The extra revenue brought in from this tax is expected to be around $67 million, in which $27.5 million of it would be applied to building schools. (Martinez, 2013) Much like the lottery, be responsible and your habit can help make the state a better place.
When you try to sell an ounce to an undercover officer, and he want’s to see your license, he’s not looking for your driver’s license. You won’t get far with, “Nah man, it’s a valid license. I got it at the DMV.” So if you find yourself in this scenario, it’s perfectly legal to share, just make sure that officer is of legal age and enjoy.
Works Cited
Garrison, R. (2013, 12 31). What you need to know to navigate pot sales in Colorado. Retrieved 01 01, 2014, from USA Today:
Martinez, M. (2013, 12 31). 10 things to know about nation's first recreational marijuana shops in Colorado. Retrieved 01 01, 2014, from CNN :
Vekshin, A. (2013, 12 30). Pot Shops in Denver Open Door to $578 Million in Sales. Retrieved 01 01, 2014, from Bloomberg: