This growing terrorist organization uses the media to their benefit. As long as they continue to find “freedom fighters” from social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, the acts they commit will multiply. They portray their acts as justified, saying that they’re fighting corrupt governments. The true purpose appears to be about material gain however, as they accumulate land in Iraq and Syria to create their own nation.
The idea this organization’s purpose is to fight against corrupt governments that bomb their own people flies out the window with the fact ISIS kills innocent people. This terrorist group has murdered a number of the national rebels in Syria that were about fighting against President Assad and his army. ISIS murders innocent families to claim territory, while presenting ISIS through social media as offering a better life or a purposeful life to those who join the terror.
People from around the world are joining ISIS with the willingness to lose their own lives to be part of this organization. In the month of July, ISIS was advertising bus tours to their controlled areas. Couples enticed by ISIS may want to skip the honeymoon option, since men and women can’t sit together on these tours. For those of us who see nothing more than terrorists here, it is hard to imagine why US citizens are jumping onboard this bus traveling with active explosives. The appeal must me more than just a claim that these tourists have the option to cross the border without passports.
Cameron’s deterrent to the foreign nationals who leave Britain to join ISIS is that they will not have the option to re-enter Britain. New laws will have passports confiscated at the borders. While these jihadists’ may not need their passport to ride the ISIS bus into Syria or Iraq, they may want to consider if they’ll need it again for Britain. After another US journalist is declared dead at the hands of these terrorists, Obama is looked to for answers. Too bad we can’t just shoot the hostages in the leg to make them hard for ISIS to travel with, but hopefully his response will be strategic enough to help slow these terrorists.