Carson retired in Florida, but is ready to return to work for the American people. The man knows a lot about poverty, and believes the war on poverty has resulted in more folks in poverty. In his Sunshine State speech, he told us what he would do if he was trying to destroy America. He would try to drive wedges between everyone and everything, and destabilize the country financially. He would invite people in and give them free benefits, including college. He would decrease military, and take us out of the space race. Not a far cry from our current state. He tells us, “We can turn it around, but if we don’t win and get another progressive in office, we’ll be toast.” He wants everyone to realize his or her role in making sure that doesn’t happen. (Full Speeches: GOP Candidates At "Sunshine Summit" In Florida, 2015)
Huckabee wants us to stop the corruption in the nations capital, because that’s what is ruining our country. He will scrap the tax code, and implement the fair tax so we’re paying tax on consumption as opposed to productivity. He wants to fix the economy, and bring manufacturing jobs back to America. He will secure the border in under a year. He wants those that cross the border to do so with the intentions of contributing to our great United States. Huckabee tells us that self-government is better than an elected government. His high hopes are admirable, but how is he going to make them a reality? (Full Speeches: GOP Candidates At "Sunshine Summit" In Florida, 2015)
Marco Rubio is the first of the candidates to officially get his name on the ballet for president. On his very first day in the oval office, he will cancel the deal that Obama signed with Iran. Rubio’s speech at the Sunshine Summit revolved around limited government, free enterprise, and strong families with strong values. These three core principles are what can make America great again. (Full Speeches: GOP Candidates At "Sunshine Summit" In Florida, 2015)
The second democratic debate took place in Iowa over the weekend. There are far less choices on democratic side the spectrum. Hillary, Sanders, and O’Malley had the opportunity to share their ideas with the American people. Sanders’ wants to increase social security benefits, make public college free, build infrastructure, and tax the rich to pay for it. He just doesn’t know how much to tax them yet. When asked how she would regulate Wall Street when they are her biggest contributors, Clinton claims to have a tough plan. She will go not only after big banks, but after hedge funds as well. (Full Video: Watch the CBS News Democratic Debate ) Is there a politician out there who is not in someway influenced by their major contributors?
Even when you’re dealing with nothing but jokers, you still have to pick one. Carson is right in the idea that those who do not vote help allow the wrong one to get voted in. Next November you’ll get to pick one, but keep in mind the next joker that takes office may just do us all in.
Works CitedFull Speeches: GOP Candidates At "Sunshine Summit" In Florida. (2015, 11 14). Retrieved 11 16, 2015, from Real Clear Politics:
Full Video: Watch the CBS News Democratic Debate . (2016, 11 14). Retrieved 11 16, 2016, from 2016 Election Central: