What led Mr. Romney to choose Paul Ryan as a running mate? It could have to do with the marathon Mr. Ryan ran in under three hours. That's unlikely though since that avenue of broken dreams was avoided only in Paul Ryan's speech. He should have run more than one so that it was not immediately discovered to be a dream that was never achieved. Maybe he could have done better with the story telling if he had a good teacher, but education is an expense that Mr. Ryan voted to cut.
Obama won't be ditching Biden on 2012 ticket, as they're hot on the campaign trail themselves. If they remain in office four more years, there's a chance those with a second hand education will become more familiar with who's who in the white house. Mrs. Jill Biden had mentioned in an interview with Stephen Colbert on June 5, 12 that many of her students don't know that she is the V.P.'s wife. She teaches at a community college. This should only go to show how important teaching jobs are to our nation; we don't need to cut any more.
Obama commented in his acceptance speech at the DNC, "I don't believe that firing teachers or kicking students off financial aid will grow the economy." This year is not about "Change", it's about moving "Forward". The slogan may have stemmed from the fact the auto industry is still alive. He talks about how we are importing much less foreign oil than previous administrations. What does it matter if gas prices are high, when we can buy cars that go twice as far on a gallon of gas?
"I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming convection that I have no place else to go." Obama quoted Lincoln indicating that he could relate, when he considered the areas in which he had failed. Whether it is with congress or the American people, he has proven to be a president that can compromise. When folks were unhappy about being told that they had help to get where they were, they chanted, "We built that!" Obama made up for it when he spoke at the DNC by telling the crowd in reference to change, "You did that!"
Like a bad comedy, the conventions have come to an end, but the talk they both generated will be alive for a few more months.