Taking the hand of a second wife, and one nine years his senior, Bin Laden was granted three more deliveries from the long billed stork. While their marriage lasted twelve years, there was no such arrangement that called for monogamy. The word was not within Bin Laden's vocabulary, as he took a third wife two years into this marriage.
While his second wife's opinion was not one that mattered, Bin Laden ask Najwa's permission to pick up a third. Khairiah bore him only one son. Hardly enough to keep his interest, he needed another. By the fourth wife, permission may have no longer been needed, as it's not written that he ask again, or at least not in the "Times".
The fourth wife came only two years after the third. Holding true to her number, Kadhija bore him four little angels. A daughter who he married off at age 11, to a Qaeda fighter. Father knows best.
Bin Laden's fifth wife is an unknown. It is not known who she was. It is not known if she put out, as there is no recording of children conceived during the short 24 hour marriage. It is not know where they were married. Perhaps in a Las Vegas sister city such as Dubai.
Last but not least, Amal, who was shot in the leg during the Pakistani raid. Bin Laden, who had once enjoyed the touch of an older woman, prior to his mid life crisis, when he chose this fifteen year old girl as his newest bride. She bore him only one daughter.
Three of his last four wives were taken into custody, as well as some of his offspring. The first wife that escaped him has finally found paradise, perhaps, now that Bin Laden is resting peacefully at the bottom of the ocean.