Walker may have avoided questions due to it being a complete flip of the values that he ran for governor with. He made a pledge on Wisconsin public radio in April 2012. "I have no interest in a right-to-work law in this state." Walker continued with, "We're not going to pursue that in the remainder of our term, and we're not going to pursue it in the future. The reason is private-sector unions are my partner in economic development." (Larson, 2015)
He has clarified his comments in 2012 only applied to his first term as governor, and now is a good time to switch. Walker is gearing up for a 2016 presidential campaign run. He may not have announced that he’s running, but his sudden shift in values and policies make him a lead contender for the GOP. The signing of the “right to work” bill was announced with immediate fundraising emails.
When you’re a politician, there is never a bad time to talk donations, unless it’s on the taxpayers dime. In May of 2010, a political scam involving the use of a private router led to the conviction of two of Walker’s aids. The secret router was set up to assist Walker’s campaign staff and state Representative Brett Davis, throughout the workday with political commentary and fundraising.
We don’t need to look any further than our government to see the how a dismantled Union affects us all. United we stand divided we fall couldn’t be more clear than it is in the Senate. Recent attempts to discredit our Commander in Chief have leaders world wide shaking their heads. It may not lead to immediate repercussions for this United States, but will not do us any favors if we’re led to war. Our nation’s leaders are at battle with each other in such a way, they’ve proven incapable of running the nation.
Works Cited
Larson, L. (2015, 03 11). Scott Walker keeps changing his mind. Retrieved 02 12, 2015, from Business Insider: http://www.businessinsider.com/scott-walker-keeps-changing-his-mind-2015-3